
The busy life of a Priest

So, we were supposed to solve the dilemma outlined in my last post today. I had a nagging feeling all week that it wasn't going to happen. Sure enough, Father got called to the ER right before our family meeting with him. So all is postponed until further notice from him.

I signed up for something called "Myspace" (you might have heard of it) to find old friends and reconnect. It asks for your religious affiliation -- I managed to gather my courage and mark myself "Catholic." The curious e-mails from friends I haven't spoken to in years have already begun. This should be fun. "Watch the newbie defend the faith." It should be a TV show on EWTN.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also glad to see your newest post. I have really enjoyed your writing. I would love for you to share your defense of your faith sometime. I am not Catholic and I have read all of your posts and I am still confused about your conversion... I don't see what caused you to change your opinion. Please don't think that this is an attempt to change your mind... it is just a desire to understand... why is the Protestant Church wrong and the Catholic one right? Does that make sense?

2/05/2006 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that interesting? You had a family meeting w/the Priest called but you had a niggling feeling in the back of your heart that it wouldn't come together. And indeed, that's what happened. It sounds to me like the working of the Holy Spirit! Could He be asking you to be patient? To suffer in waiting?

Please updates us! Many of us are praying for your in your journey Home!


2/17/2006 08:56:00 AM  

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