
We had a talk

The baby is wreaking havoc in the living room, so I'll make this quick (yes, I know I said "naptimes and after dinner" -- forgive me). I talked to my husband last night, and it seems like the best course of action for now is for me to attend a weeknight communion service at the neighborhood Lutheran church (Jezebel notwithstanding) and we will begin a new search for a church together on Sunday mornings.

It's a compromise, but one I'm more than willing to live with. I was feeling very convicted yesterday when some dear sisters in Christ gently suggested that he might feel a tad bewildered and left out by my charging full speed ahead in a new spiritual direction. I was making decisions for our family that I had no business making, and for that I have been duly chastened.

I will write a nice letter to the vicar of the Anglican church I've been attending. If he's worth his salt as a pastor and man of God, he'll understand. Maybe we'll still end up attending there, I don't know. But God will have to lead my husband there. It's His job to lead my husband, not mine.


Blogger K.H. said...

Thank you for your prayers!

10/25/2005 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a wise woman to give your husband the spiritual leadership of your family! It's so hard to be patient and wait on God's timing. But he has a plan for you and your family! Pray together for it and God will reveal it in his perfect timing!


10/27/2005 08:27:00 AM  

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